Jirah Productions was established in May 2016. It came about when Lee Willcock took upon himself to start a production company called Jirah Productions as the management company for Amy Jones.

Jirah meaning “the Lord is our provider”, was chosen as the company name as it was solely on God that both Amy and Lee laid their trust. Since registering the company provision has been endless and they have witnessed breakthrough in areas seen as the impossible to man, and yet so much has come to pass.

Our mission statement is to “Dream with a purpose” and it is what we live by and Amy Jones is doing just that.

Jirah productions is a registered company with SAMRO as is Amy Jones as an SA singer song writer. Jirah productions and Amy are also under the publishing of Mr John Fishlock and are currently working with SA’s top producers.



Since 2016, singer, songwriter and multi-talented musician Amy Jones has been investing her energy in developing and honing her God-given gift to make the world a brighter place, through the power of music. Amy’s hard work is now paying off; she is on the cusp of global pop success.

Contact Jirah Productions